Thursday, July 7, 2011

Re-visioning revision :)

Day 2 at SI :)  I have had the opportunity to write more in these two days than I think I ever have... and I am loving it.
I LOVED the Demo...Rebecca was just so calm and inviting! I LOVE LOVE LOVE incorporating children's books in my classroom! I can't wait to use Scranimals!!!!
The most productive/beneficial moment for me was the 25 minutes of revision... I love to write, but honestly have never really been a reviser... When I get it down on page (or screen), I just kind of forget about it and move on...until now :)
I had written a post on EAnthology about my dog, Tom Sawyer just for fun one morning. During the revision time I went back to this poem, and I tried some strategies.  During Lil's class last semester I tried some of Cindy's strategies for revising, so I decided to practice for my Demo by working with the "brush strokes" that Nodden discusses.  Using these strategies was really helpful because it helped me get more of a vision for my Demo, and of course improved my writing! I thought I was a revision hater, but have come to the magnificent realization that I LOVE revising!  I really like what is in the works!! Check out "A Day in the Life of Tom Sawyer" on my EAnthology page :)
Because of today's SI, I have decided to go back to all of my writing from the past few years (which I have never revisited) and look to see what the possibilities are....

1 comment:

  1. I have had a change of heart as well...revision is not the four-letter word(k) I once thought it was!!!
