Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What is my identity? Time to evolve...

So, there are a lot of things I could be doing right now....
So many --ing's... I am consumed with participles!

I  think that maybe, the most productive use of my time might be to reflect in search of a direction....  Possibly the inspiration for my portfolio (or non-portfolio)?

Okay.  Evolution vs. Revolution...
Can we call it revolving?
I dont like revolting, for fear of stirring up the dirt, causing trouble, wearing the "red A".... But it seems to me to be that in a sense, when we are Evolving, we could be (in some sense) revolting against the past? or perhaps we are simply moving forward with the times...Do we have to be rebelling simply because we are progressive?  in either sense of the (confusing) terms, this institute is definately going to help me evolve, grow, progress as a writer/reader/thinker/teacher/etc-er... One of my focuses for evolution (a goal, you may say) for the upcoming year is going to be to take a more active role in my techno-community... ready...set...go....evolution.....evolve....join the times....update....

Wall Wisher

So as I evolve, I guess its important (vital!) to consider who I am...what is my identity?  How many images do I have?  Can you revise your image? Re-vision your identity?  What about this idea of images "disappearing"?  As teachers, do we really have to be accessible 24/7?  What would happen if we revolted against this idea of being a public being? If we only put on our "teacher face" from 7:45-3:15 each day?  To me, it seems to be important to intertwine each of our selves so that while we are in each role, we do not forget to consider our "other" self-- to embrace each of my beings, without flawing my many images (that, I guess, combine to create one?)

Last night while I was watching 8 mile (purely for enjoyment, not for educational value) I got an awesome idea for a writing prompt surrounding the idea of "inspirations for our writing" Now, as I was my "27 year old fun self" I was not completely disconnected from my "teacher self" and found an awesome resource. We must construct our image with all of our different identities in mind so that we can embrace and learn not only from others, but also from our own personal "others"....

I would like to adapt my image to embrace my teacher self in a more aware sense... to continue to have these "8 mile revelations" on a regular basis.  Lil says that "we think best in the language that is closest to self...that is where the most thinking happens." My hope is that, as I continue to inquire, my inquires broaden my understanding of this idea of identity and evolution in all senses of my"selves" as I evolve into a single, all embracing self...


  1. You certainly posted many avenues of thinking today. I'm interested in your dislike of revolt and how you played with it as revolving, which I see as going in circles where I see evolving as going forward--changing. I like your questions and your ideas of evolving all your selves into one. You have some awesome stuff going on in this post.

  2. Interesting idea...
    Could we say that "revolving" is continuing to consider "self" and ways in which we can continue the process of growing as we move forward, rather than going in circles?
