Thursday, July 14, 2011

A shout out to my peeps...

Dear Summer Institute Peeps,

I would like to start out by saying….WOW….what an awesome group of collaborators! I have had more learning opportunities in these short 9 (+1) days than I have in a year.

First shout out to our fabulous leaders…Y’all have made these 10 days an eye-opening, focused, growing, learning, collaborative time of amazingness! I love the feedback and comments y’all have provided…always listening, but letting me develop my own ideas within the feedback...really encouraging the idea of inquiry within our reflections. Thank you so much for your time and feedback!

Sally…from Forestview to SI…who would’ve thought? I value your role in my life as a teacher, but also as a friend and colleague. Your no-nonsense approach to life is refreshing (and entertaining). Thank you for your encouragement and positive words of support. I can’t wait to start a new semester at school with you as my go-to…Thanks for everything

Lil…I was blown away by the information that I took away from your class in the fall…and now, I am nearly speechless… I feel so lucky to have had the experience to be involved in the summer institute with an amazing leader like you…you bring so much to the table, and are such an inspiration. Your overall presence is enlightening and encourages inquiry. Watching you, deep in thought, from across the room makes me strive to consider the endless possibilities…Thank you for questioning me, and helping me to think… Thanks for everything…

Lacy…thank you for being a part of my writing marathon group—I learned a ton from watching you interact and process your writing that day…it was not only inspiring, but also provided for some great learning moments. Your work to make this program a success is invaluable, and I appreciate how many resources you are always willing to provide. Thank you for everything.
Carrie W., Rashid, Jen…. Although our Couch of Love only lasted for a short while, y’all have really helped me to understand the value of community and the importance of collaboration when it comes to re-visioning. One of the best moments was when we were working through Jen and Carrie’s pieces on our Love Couch….I really felt a connection and a power between the four of us…it was like we all had something valuable to bring to the table, and really helped each other work through a lot. I want to thank you for helping me find confidence in my writing, challenging me to re-vision, and supporting me in the process.

Jen—you listen intently. You are soaking up the information whole heartedly, in order to give positive feedback or offer suggestions for change. You are nurturing, and encouraging….you are amazing….

Carrie W.—Your excitement, your smile, your enthusiasm, your passion for life, your excitement for growth…thank you for being a part of this experience for me. You are encouraging and optimistic, and I am grateful for your feedback! I love to have your positive vibe close by!

Rashid—I really appreciate the way in which you write with your heart about the issues that you are passionate about. Thank you for being such a support force in my writing journey…your inquiries about my writing journey forced me to consider my ideas and to re-vision my work. Your suggestions, support, and feedback throughout helped me push through and continue to write. Thank you!

Tara… I have loved having the view point of the younger level teachers…Your passion for your practice and your love for your students really stood out---I learned so much from you, and thank you for being such a powerful and supportive mentor for your young learners.

Ashley…Thank you so much for being so candid. I know that your students are comfortable approaching you because you are so warm and welcoming. During my demo you were my “go-to-face” and I really appreciate how comfortable you made me feel. I know that your students are at ease when they are in your classroom because you encourage a climate of acceptance, and I really really appreciate that…thank you for being you.

Megan….Your insights and inquiries within the classroom as they relate to your continued studies as a writing project leader are so helpful…thanks for taking the time to step back and help me to inquire about my writer identity.

Carrie S…I am so glad we got to spend these 2 weeks together! Being together in Lil’s class in the fall was just the start! I really appreciate your passion for writing and passion for life…thanks for being an inspiration to me…and everyone!

Melissa…you are fun, intelligent, and thoughtful. I really appreciate your story(ies) about the way that you help your students find comfort…I can see it radiating. You provide a calming, yet positive atmosphere that is welcoming for all...thank you!

Jessie Poet…I want to be a poet sooo bad! ….and you help me to see that it can happen! I have been focusing for these few weeks on poetry, and my inspiration comes from you. I love your overall interest and excitement about writing…and am excited to go get mani/pedi’s in fun colors together J

Rebecca…I love that you are willing to voice your opinion no matter what the “critics” say… you are so strong…and I love your love for your students! The middle grades are so intimidating to me—serious props for tackling the middle-schoolers! It takes a special person to be able to connect, and I see/feel the connection in your overall presence of self. Thank you.

Katie… I am super impressed with your passion for knowledge and the inquiry process…Lil’s class in the fall was awesome, and I am so glad we got to continue to work together…your over-all teacher presence is calming and encouraging, and your insights and resources for the classroom have been invaluable…. I love to hear snippits of your out-of-school life, too…Let’s be friends J

Dorry…I feel like we have so much teacher-ness in common! Your overall persona and attitude and presence in the classroom is to be admired. I look up to your confidence, humor, and knowledge as a real asset in a challenging high school classroom. Even though I don’t have AP, I look forward to continued collaboration!

Stephanie…Every classroom needs the loud silly kids...thanks for being my partner in crime...even though I was just following... Your knowledge of all avenues is amazing--you inspire me to learn!  I am super impressed with your techno-resources, and have taken so much away from our short 9 days together....BFF

You have all been the most valuable assets in helping me refresh, renew, and regain confidence in my teacher, writer, inquirer, professional self. Everyone has had their own personal role in inspiring and encouraging me; I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of teaching/writing/inquiring/FRIENDS… I have learned so much in such a short time, and look forward to all of the possibilities that this exceptional program may bring.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you….

Peace and Love, Y’all J


  1. You, too, have made this a memorable summer institute. The trick now is to keep this enthusiasm in our hearts and minds and share it with the folks at Forestview and beyond. Thank you for all your laughter, thinking and action!

  2. Aileen- you seem like such a joy to work with. I love people who laugh, so you know I love you! If only I had you for an English teacher in high school...oh the possibilities!

    Your Casey Anthony poem was amazing and I'm glad it made it on your blog. I agree- we all need to do a writing marathon. I was sad I didn't make it to the first one and it seems like such an incredible experience. I want to do that with my little ones!

  3. This is so terrific! You are a poet because you want it!!! And make that little one, when they come on out, one too :)

  4. Oh what a fun gir-friend you are!!! I love your Michigan accent, your poppy red hair (with flowers), your energy and courage to tap into all that SI offers - E Anthology writings!!! But, most of all, I love that we shared the love couch together- powerful stuff - this SI wordsmithing! Can't wait to see ya in September fun girl!
    As Christopher Robin would say, "TTFN"

  5. Aileen I intensely enjoyed working with you as a writing group member. Your personality reminds me of a good friend of mine from St. Louis. I am sad that he is no longer in Charlotte because he went back to St. Louis to teach at a KIPP school there. However, working with you made me feel like I had him here, just in a woman's body, lol! I would love to sit in your class and experience your energy. Keep tweeting and I will see you in September!

  6. Aileen,

    I love how this blog post so embodies how I think of you. (Hmmm.. come to think of it so does this really pretty background on this page). So background, blog post, Aileen are all so joyful and giving and full of the small pinpointed moments. These insights into moments help me see not only your learning, but also see better/differently the other people in the room, as through your eyes. Your descriptions above are beautiful. I love reading this.

  7. Aileen, I love hearing how you processed SI. Lacy's right--this blog really captures "you" for me, always relating to other people and making connections between people's words and ideas. That was one of the things I appreciated most about you; you always looked to make connections, and it was clear you were really thinking over the things we were discussing. I particularly loved your question during my demo abut whether you could revise your image. Thanks for inspiring me to think deeper and sharing an identity as "baby" teachers. I'm excited to hear how your Image Grammar applications go in your classroom. Thanks!

  8. Aileen,
    Your energy and enthusiasm during SI lifted me up on days when I felt tired and was dragging in the morning. Also, I admire your ability to step up and be silly (Teacher Robot and more) and put yourself out there; you're willingness to do this pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and take risks I normally wouldn't have. You added so much to this community for me and encouraged me to be a stronger part of it. Thank you. (And thank you for the awesome foldable! I will definitely use it in my classroom!)

  9. Thank you for your spirit, your brushstrokes and the flower. I cannot wait to share the brushstrokes with my middle school writers. I think that their writing will improve, as mine has, thanks to those techniques. Your cheerful spirit and willingness to share has been one of the bright spots of this incredible experience. Thank you:)
