Monday, July 11, 2011

The Swan and The Turtle

SWAN                                                        TURTLE

I had the most precious eggs.                    I had the most precious eggs.

Beautiful                                                    Beautiful

Delicate                                                      Delicate

Precious                                                      Precious

Eggs.                                                           Eggs.

I loved to                                                     I loved to

sit on them

and gaze at them                                          gaze at them

all day long                                                  all day long

in anticipation of a                                       in anticipation of a

life changing moment                                   life changing moment

where I would                                               where I would

become a parent.                                           become


I had the most                                                I had the most

precious eggs                                                 precious eggs

that I laid last week                                       that I ate last week

but they are gone now.                                  and they are gone now.

1 comment:

  1. There was a swan on my parents' lake this summer, and she has been guarding her nest for weeks...nothing hatched.
    This is a poem for two voices, where the swam's perspective and the creature's perspective are both portrayed. I have chosen the creature to be a turtle...but who knows what it really was?!
