Thursday, July 14, 2011

A shout out to my peeps...

Dear Summer Institute Peeps,

I would like to start out by saying….WOW….what an awesome group of collaborators! I have had more learning opportunities in these short 9 (+1) days than I have in a year.

First shout out to our fabulous leaders…Y’all have made these 10 days an eye-opening, focused, growing, learning, collaborative time of amazingness! I love the feedback and comments y’all have provided…always listening, but letting me develop my own ideas within the feedback...really encouraging the idea of inquiry within our reflections. Thank you so much for your time and feedback!

Sally…from Forestview to SI…who would’ve thought? I value your role in my life as a teacher, but also as a friend and colleague. Your no-nonsense approach to life is refreshing (and entertaining). Thank you for your encouragement and positive words of support. I can’t wait to start a new semester at school with you as my go-to…Thanks for everything

Lil…I was blown away by the information that I took away from your class in the fall…and now, I am nearly speechless… I feel so lucky to have had the experience to be involved in the summer institute with an amazing leader like you…you bring so much to the table, and are such an inspiration. Your overall presence is enlightening and encourages inquiry. Watching you, deep in thought, from across the room makes me strive to consider the endless possibilities…Thank you for questioning me, and helping me to think… Thanks for everything…

Lacy…thank you for being a part of my writing marathon group—I learned a ton from watching you interact and process your writing that day…it was not only inspiring, but also provided for some great learning moments. Your work to make this program a success is invaluable, and I appreciate how many resources you are always willing to provide. Thank you for everything.
Carrie W., Rashid, Jen…. Although our Couch of Love only lasted for a short while, y’all have really helped me to understand the value of community and the importance of collaboration when it comes to re-visioning. One of the best moments was when we were working through Jen and Carrie’s pieces on our Love Couch….I really felt a connection and a power between the four of us…it was like we all had something valuable to bring to the table, and really helped each other work through a lot. I want to thank you for helping me find confidence in my writing, challenging me to re-vision, and supporting me in the process.

Jen—you listen intently. You are soaking up the information whole heartedly, in order to give positive feedback or offer suggestions for change. You are nurturing, and encouraging….you are amazing….

Carrie W.—Your excitement, your smile, your enthusiasm, your passion for life, your excitement for growth…thank you for being a part of this experience for me. You are encouraging and optimistic, and I am grateful for your feedback! I love to have your positive vibe close by!

Rashid—I really appreciate the way in which you write with your heart about the issues that you are passionate about. Thank you for being such a support force in my writing journey…your inquiries about my writing journey forced me to consider my ideas and to re-vision my work. Your suggestions, support, and feedback throughout helped me push through and continue to write. Thank you!

Tara… I have loved having the view point of the younger level teachers…Your passion for your practice and your love for your students really stood out---I learned so much from you, and thank you for being such a powerful and supportive mentor for your young learners.

Ashley…Thank you so much for being so candid. I know that your students are comfortable approaching you because you are so warm and welcoming. During my demo you were my “go-to-face” and I really appreciate how comfortable you made me feel. I know that your students are at ease when they are in your classroom because you encourage a climate of acceptance, and I really really appreciate that…thank you for being you.

Megan….Your insights and inquiries within the classroom as they relate to your continued studies as a writing project leader are so helpful…thanks for taking the time to step back and help me to inquire about my writer identity.

Carrie S…I am so glad we got to spend these 2 weeks together! Being together in Lil’s class in the fall was just the start! I really appreciate your passion for writing and passion for life…thanks for being an inspiration to me…and everyone!

Melissa…you are fun, intelligent, and thoughtful. I really appreciate your story(ies) about the way that you help your students find comfort…I can see it radiating. You provide a calming, yet positive atmosphere that is welcoming for all...thank you!

Jessie Poet…I want to be a poet sooo bad! ….and you help me to see that it can happen! I have been focusing for these few weeks on poetry, and my inspiration comes from you. I love your overall interest and excitement about writing…and am excited to go get mani/pedi’s in fun colors together J

Rebecca…I love that you are willing to voice your opinion no matter what the “critics” say… you are so strong…and I love your love for your students! The middle grades are so intimidating to me—serious props for tackling the middle-schoolers! It takes a special person to be able to connect, and I see/feel the connection in your overall presence of self. Thank you.

Katie… I am super impressed with your passion for knowledge and the inquiry process…Lil’s class in the fall was awesome, and I am so glad we got to continue to work together…your over-all teacher presence is calming and encouraging, and your insights and resources for the classroom have been invaluable…. I love to hear snippits of your out-of-school life, too…Let’s be friends J

Dorry…I feel like we have so much teacher-ness in common! Your overall persona and attitude and presence in the classroom is to be admired. I look up to your confidence, humor, and knowledge as a real asset in a challenging high school classroom. Even though I don’t have AP, I look forward to continued collaboration!

Stephanie…Every classroom needs the loud silly kids...thanks for being my partner in crime...even though I was just following... Your knowledge of all avenues is amazing--you inspire me to learn!  I am super impressed with your techno-resources, and have taken so much away from our short 9 days together....BFF

You have all been the most valuable assets in helping me refresh, renew, and regain confidence in my teacher, writer, inquirer, professional self. Everyone has had their own personal role in inspiring and encouraging me; I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of teaching/writing/inquiring/FRIENDS… I have learned so much in such a short time, and look forward to all of the possibilities that this exceptional program may bring.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you….

Peace and Love, Y’all J

Day 8....breathing out......

Today provided for some serious inquiry and reflection.  I loved the way that we had time to think back to our "SI in 3 words"  Mine was pretty cool... I focused on technology (See "Tweeting, Blogging, Re-Visioning")...  And I also participated in the making of the "Love Couch in 3 Words" which was an awesome culmination of our writing group in action....I can't wait to see what everyone else came up with!?

The demo's today were an awesome way to wind down the week.   In Dorry's demo I loved the opportunity to reflect on our teacher Identities (perhaps I can use some of the reflections there for my Teacher as Professional piece?).  What an awesome way to continue building community and getting a feel for what makes us "tick..." Everyone's stories are so inspiring and touching... It's almost therapeutic to sit around coffee-house style and just talk about the joys that teaching brings...
Jen's demo provided some serious time to consider the revolution :) I am really interested in figuring out this idea of assessment vs. evaluation, and ways in which our students can self-assess or self-evaluate.... I guess the overall goal is helping them think for themselves and try to seek the "why..."

I loved the time to celebrate/write/visit/laugh with friends for the second piece of today... At some times it felt a bit too silly, but then I was trying to figure out if perhaps the writing process includes those moments when you wander off into la-la land...perhaps it is in la-la land where ideas develop? This leads back to Carrie's AWESOME revelation that "off-days" are not necessarily "off-days" but perhaps a moment for our unconscious to get hard to work....

At any rate, today, just like all the other days, has been an amazing experience with amazing people....
Time to reflect, collaborate, eat, learn, write, visit....  :)

blogging blogging blogging


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What is my identity? Time to evolve...

So, there are a lot of things I could be doing right now....
So many --ing's... I am consumed with participles!

I  think that maybe, the most productive use of my time might be to reflect in search of a direction....  Possibly the inspiration for my portfolio (or non-portfolio)?

Okay.  Evolution vs. Revolution...
Can we call it revolving?
I dont like revolting, for fear of stirring up the dirt, causing trouble, wearing the "red A".... But it seems to me to be that in a sense, when we are Evolving, we could be (in some sense) revolting against the past? or perhaps we are simply moving forward with the times...Do we have to be rebelling simply because we are progressive?  in either sense of the (confusing) terms, this institute is definately going to help me evolve, grow, progress as a writer/reader/thinker/teacher/etc-er... One of my focuses for evolution (a goal, you may say) for the upcoming year is going to be to take a more active role in my techno-community... ready...set...go....evolution.....evolve....join the times....update....

Wall Wisher

So as I evolve, I guess its important (vital!) to consider who I am...what is my identity?  How many images do I have?  Can you revise your image? Re-vision your identity?  What about this idea of images "disappearing"?  As teachers, do we really have to be accessible 24/7?  What would happen if we revolted against this idea of being a public being? If we only put on our "teacher face" from 7:45-3:15 each day?  To me, it seems to be important to intertwine each of our selves so that while we are in each role, we do not forget to consider our "other" self-- to embrace each of my beings, without flawing my many images (that, I guess, combine to create one?)

Last night while I was watching 8 mile (purely for enjoyment, not for educational value) I got an awesome idea for a writing prompt surrounding the idea of "inspirations for our writing" Now, as I was my "27 year old fun self" I was not completely disconnected from my "teacher self" and found an awesome resource. We must construct our image with all of our different identities in mind so that we can embrace and learn not only from others, but also from our own personal "others"....

I would like to adapt my image to embrace my teacher self in a more aware sense... to continue to have these "8 mile revelations" on a regular basis.  Lil says that "we think best in the language that is closest to self...that is where the most thinking happens." My hope is that, as I continue to inquire, my inquires broaden my understanding of this idea of identity and evolution in all senses of my"selves" as I evolve into a single, all embracing self...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

So today there was quite a bit of time to reflect and collaborate.... and I am left feeling a bit....lost?  My focus today was elsewhere, and I wonder if it is becuase I have so much to process from these past 6 days?

The teacher as writer, inquirer, and professional...So many hats for just one body.  I want my portfolio (or whatever the portfolio becomes) to showcase this idea: the many hats we wear.    During these past few days I have really begun to develop as writer, as a thinker, as a teacher, as a collaborator...etc. 

I have been using EAnthology to work through drafts.  I have been posting to a Google Doc and discussing with my writing group.  I have been blogging and commenting on blogging. I went on a writing marathon. I have been writing into the day on a daily (or even multiple times a day) basis. 
Some of the stuff I have created is complete shit. Other things I will continue to go back to over and over again as I have begun to embrace this idea of revision for what it is: re-visioning a piece...

The interesting thing about this idea of being a writer, is that although I know that I am a writer, I very rarely think of myself as such.  As Carrie said, "I think of it as something I do, rather than someone I am..."  Thinking about writing. Writing about thinking.

Where was I today? Maybe on a mental vacation? I was physically present, but not sure if I was intellectually available.  So much to think about...Still working through it all.....

Pumpkin Pie Dip :)

Enjoy a delicious pumpkin pie dip!

15 oz. can pumpkin
3/4 cup brown sugar (or brown splenda)
1 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or more to taste)
6 oz fat free greek yogurt
8 oz cool whip free
cut  up apples to dip

mix pumpkin with brown sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie spice; blend well.  Mix in yogurt.  Fold in cool whip.  Chill. Enjoy :)

servings: 12
serving size: 1/2 cup
weight watchers points: 3 pts
calories: 102.9

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 5...and I'm still alive :)

What an amazing way to start our week...  a rant...
So fitting because I was just reflecting yesterday on the irony that is: My biggest concern right now is that  I do not have enough money to buy my children their daybooks, which means I cannot get them while they are on sale, which means I will end up paying full price for them, which means on the next payday I will be spending my money on that, which means that at the end of the month I'll be short again, all becuase I will have spent all my money on school supplies, when it is my school that isn't paying me enough to sustain....BLAH BLAH BLAH...
...On a brither note, my demo is officially over!  A breath of fresh air! I think it went pretty well... I got some great feedback via the discussion and twitter, so that was encouraging. I love to hash through this idea of grammar with other people who are also worried about the delivery/acquisition of grammar for writing.  I am not quite sure if this was as much grammar, though, as it was revision strategies? Prewriting strategies? Writing in general?  Definately a place to continue my inquiry...
As I was thinking through the socratic seminar with the weekends readings, I was plagued with concern:  why do we have these standardized tests that simply measure social awareness? How can we create a testing language that is accessible to all literacies?  After all, recognizing and teaching multiple literacies will enrich the educational experience of all students! We must permit each child to bring something to the table so that he/she can feel a part of the conversation.
Time to rethink, rework, revise, revision, re-type, etc... I could spend hours doing this! I very rarely find the time to look back to my writing; today I spent most of the time re-reading my daybook, and found the experience very rewarding.  I have learned so much during these very fast 5 days, and really appreciate the time to just sit back and reflect on what I have accomplished...
Can't wait to see what the next 4 days hold :) 

A Just Society?

What has our nation come to
when a crazy woman who
leaves her child for months and
goes around from man to man
is set free because there is not
enough evidence to make the jury hot?

The people here in our state
dont have any food on their plate
While Casey is full in her cell
and we all relive little Caylee's hell.

Family value and culture--
a mother or a vulture?
Justice for Caylee is what we need...
but instead, that bitch got freed.

Writing About Writing

Pen to page

It comes and it goes
it rhymes and it flows
my style?
who knows...

thinking about thinking
singing about singing
wondering about wonders
reflecting on reflection

a breath
a hiccup
a headache
a mountain
a valley


I am a writer
I draft
I revise
I trash
I publish

I can't always rhyme
But I'd love to have the time...

This poem is a free verse
It might end up with a home....
Or in a hearse...?


In Search of Something...

We’re Both Scared...

What is authority?
In charge of the majority?
A role model to all;
Never going to fall.
Someone we look up to;
the fearless leader who

walks the tight rope
and gives all students hope
takes charge of many
with confidence of plen'y.
But you and me--we're both scared...

what about those 7 years of college...
have I gained enough knowledge?

When I teach I
with a kind of ease that
just comes when I put on the hat

...Yet I still worry
my mind in a flurry...
What if they knew
that I have no clue?
Are they aware that
we’re both scared?

What questions do you have of me?
What is it that you cant see?
Me and you, we're all the same
living through this classroom game
out there in a sea of faces
youve been around to so many places
yet I have the authority and
up here is where I stand

But deep down inside
I cringe, and hide
Is my delivery lacking?
Are my lesson plans slacking?
What will they think
if I begin to sink?
What if I’m unprepared?
You and me--we're both scared.

From Hotel Nights with My Mother

"I let them give me any excuse and I took it..."
Choose your battles?
They ask me what I mean.
Why do I get trouble when she gets off scott free?
I can’t tell them
that I’m afraid of losing her.
They don’t know her mom’s on drugs.
If they heard the hate that she hears
they would understand.
I tell her she looks pretty
even if she violates dress code...
I know it’s too short,
but she’s got nothing else.
The kids have told me that they know that
I’m afraid her...
but I wish they knew
that I’m afraid of what might happen
if I don’t have her?...
...or possibly, if she
could no longer hear me say
“you look pretty”?
So I rethink--
Afraid? Yes...
What if their mom is on drugs?
What if they DO hear
the hate that she hears?
How can I choose my battle
when I don’t now--
I can’t know--
what they are all battling...
And even though it’s often hard,
I continue, to choose my battles...
So I make up an excuse
and pray that they'll take it...

The Swan and The Turtle

SWAN                                                        TURTLE

I had the most precious eggs.                    I had the most precious eggs.

Beautiful                                                    Beautiful

Delicate                                                      Delicate

Precious                                                      Precious

Eggs.                                                           Eggs.

I loved to                                                     I loved to

sit on them

and gaze at them                                          gaze at them

all day long                                                  all day long

in anticipation of a                                       in anticipation of a

life changing moment                                   life changing moment

where I would                                               where I would

become a parent.                                           become


I had the most                                                I had the most

precious eggs                                                 precious eggs

that I laid last week                                       that I ate last week

but they are gone now.                                  and they are gone now.

Princess Engrudge Lover :)

In the depths of Detroit City

lives Princess Engrudge Lover.

She doesn't study textbooks

and teachers give her evil looks.

All the day she reads away

but Nifty the Dolphin cannot stay.

She's an AP English drop-out

But she loves until she'll flop-out.

She failed freshman year

but now, she sits here...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jackson's Java: DEMO!

Adding Detail with Specific Verbs!
ü  Fold a sheet of paper in half to make two separate columns.
ü  On the left fold, label the column “NOUNS”
ü  On the right fold label the column by selecting a random profession.
ü  Come up with at least 10 nouns in the left hand column.
ü  Come up with at least 10 verbs that describe the profession on the right hand side.
v  This is simply a brainstorming technique, but it could be fun to see what profession verbs you can pair with your everyday writing!?
--Image Grammar, page 29

Painting Models from the Nando Times!
Each day, the Nando Times displays sixteen images from news events around the world.  These images are an excellent resource for student writing.
Students can examine the photos, select an image they find fascinating, and write a brief paragraph to describe the image using the brush strokes!
The small thumbnail images on the photo page can be enlarged by clicking on them. The categories listed below the thumbnails lead to an archive of additional images!
Enhance the Activity: Divide the class into five small groups and develop five learning stations—one area for reading, one for writing, one for discussion, one for listening, and one for writing on the internet. This way, if you only have 1 or 2 classroom computers, you can assign students to examine the pictures in groups of 4-5.
--Image Grammar, page 24

Smelly Cat...For Megan

Watch Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music
             as much as you possibly can
When you are 16, sneak out with a friend....
            .....and get in your car....
            .....but go no further than your own driveway.
            Blast your favorite song and sing at the top of your lungs.
            Sneak back inside through the dark, and giggle till you fall asleep.
Read books.
           Lots of books.
Have tea parties at wrestling meets.
          Under the table...
          ....and spill water everywhere.
Float down the St. Clair River on a hot summer day
Eat Breakfast at Margaret Jeans
Go skinny dipping....
         ....but don't lose your bathingsuit!
Get a penpal...
        ....send her prizes in the mail.
Crush on a wrestler...
Get a tattoo.
Play hide-and-go-seek-in-the dark Aunt Theresa's.......
       ......and hide in the basement corner cupboard...
       ......every single time.
Embrace on warm summer nights
Dance before you walk down the aisle
Go to Ireland...
        ......view the countryside.....
        ......stop in each pub.
Call a friend--
       ---no matter the time of day or night---
       ---every single time you hear Journey.
Wear flowers in your hair
Play dress up....
       ....even when you're a grown up.
Make people laugh.

At Amelie's :)

The green lines
represent our minds
going this way and that
I like tony's hat
these chandeliers are phat
decor to the nine
and i wish i had mine
no bracelet on my wrist
a flower--no twist
i think i'm a poet
Jessie--you know it!
Sally writes with passion
Her chef is in fashion
I think I'm so funny
but i wish i made some more money
carrie--the joy and interest!
...what rhymes with interest?
Lacy is typing with her computer in tow
what is her topic? I cannot know!
Blue shirt and sunglasses:
perhaps we've met in WP passes?
Grace and ease--
--teach me, please?
Flowery shirt--just love the thought
I got here a bit late--what is it you bought?
This day is going to be
a first for me
But I cannot wait to see
from my pen what will flee?
...and of course, to revise
so y'all will think I'm wise...

Writing Marathon

Yesterday's Writing Marathon was amazing! It was a small, personal group of inviting, invester writers...and it was invaluable. I have been writing like crazy ever since the Summer Institute began, and it was so cool to be able to step into (what seemed to be) the daily lives of other writers to watch their processes unfold.

To begin, Amelie's was incredible. I started off unsure of what to write: I was in the presence of greatness! Some Doctors, some serious intellectuals, some REAL writers! It was a bit intimidating at first because I didnt want my writing to seem juvenile...But eventually, I tried to put the fear aside and dig right in to the writing... But where to start?

A brainstorm...
Perhaps I could begin with my pieces for Megan (my god-daughter), or work on my demo, or maybe even just write about the descriptions and goings on?
The decoration and fast pace of the comings and goings of coffee getters provided some awesome inspiration...

So as I was staring down at Lil's green checkered bag (hoping that no one would notice that I hadn't started yet), I began to write about that bag, of all things...And my writing just continued on from there! (see at Amelie's :))

Next up: Smelly Cat with Lacy and Tony. What an amazing location! Smelly Cat is a bit smaller and more quaint than Amelie's, which provided for some great discussion mixed with some serious writing time. I decided to write a piece for Megan's Book, and got a great start to a poem for her that talks about Kristin (Megan's mom) and I growing up, but puts a flip to it...It is a kind of "To Do" List for her life. (See Smelly Cat...For Megan) I decided not to share this piece becuase it was VERY in process (and still is) and I was a little worried that only Kristin and I (and Megan eventually) would be able to understand it--It is a collection of inside jokes/memories of sorts. Instead of reading that, I read "A Day in the Life of Tom Sawyer" which I am currently obsessed with (perhaps because he is still in Michigan and I am missing him like crazy? Perhaps becuase it is the first poem I have written in a VERY long time that I actually took through the whole revision process?)...

Moving on to Jackson's Java... An awesome location to work! Tony, Lacy and I joined up with Cindy, Sally, Jessie, and Carrie, and it was amazing to see everyone in the process of working on their miscellaneous pieces. At Amelies and Smelly Cat I didnt want to work on my demo because those locations seemed to offer such beautiful inspiration and "chill" space...But In the presence of so many educational "specialists" and the much more centered nature of JJ's, I decided to bust it out and take a look. I got a new perspective on my piece; as I was watching Lacy and Cindy work through their own inquiries out loud/independently, I felt so inspired and proud to be included in a group of such productive and helpful thinkers/writers. I was glad to have Tony next to me to bounce ideas off of...even if you are just trying to think through something out loud, it really helps to have someone there to smile and nod. (If you're interested in the Demo, see Jackson's Java: DEMO!)

Our time at JJ's quickly came to an end, and we (hesitantly) put our writing up to go fill our bellies with some awesome Indian Cuisine! Deliscious food paired with excellent conversation made for an awesome lunch :)

I can't believe the day has gone by so fast! It doesnt feel like I have gotten anything accomplished, but as I look back through my daybook and consider my experience, I consider...
I wrote a poem about the writing group, I started a poem for Megan, I finished my Demo, and had AMAZING conversation all the way through (which, in itself, was invaluable).

At The Wine Vault as I was watching/listening to the Open Mic, I was so impressed and inspired by all of the writers present, and the varrying pieces that we are all working on. I am so lucky to be a part of such an amazing event, and now, a part of such a (fill in really intense word here that means amazing--but more) community of teachers, learners, writers, and friends.

I heart UNCCWP Writing Marathon 2011 :)

Friday, July 8, 2011


Today was a whirlwind of AMAZING ideas! It was a non-stop info-fest....and I loved it!
First of all, another AWESOME warmup! My students do not always take to the "dance it out" theory, but this one was much less intimidating. I think they are going to love it!
Throughout this Institute, I have been experimenting with poetry (check out A Day in the Life of Tom Sawyer) and have been shocked/thrilled to have some success (and road blocks, too)...
One of the ways that I have been trying this is by posting to EAnthology first, getting some feedback, then blogging once I have edited. It has been helpful because I love getting an outsiders perspective whether it be good, bad, or ugly :)
The Inquiry Demo was pretty cool because I love establishing a community of learners and opening a dialogue to embrace our passions...
Sally gave me some great ideas for Socratic Seminars: I have always wanted to try this strategy, but didn't really have the tools to properly execute I do :)
Workshopping a workshop classroom played the same role of helping me work through the insecurities of the unknown...
All in all, these 3 sessions were invaluable because (just as in the institute in general) collaborating with colleages is the most amazing and beneficial experience; everyone has so much to offer that sometimes I just like to sit back and take it all in :)
I was sooooooo impressed by what everyone came up with for the Digital Documentaries. I have heard of so many of these technologies, but have not seen them in action. Taking a glimpse into each other person's life is so inspiring! What a great way to send us off into the weekend--so much to think about!!!!!!
Can't wait till the marathon tomorrow...until then, I will just breathe in all of these amazing experiences :)

Nifty the Dolphin!?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Day in the Life of Tom Sawyer

I wake early
hung-over from the breath of her snores
because she drank too much wine
i wiggle free from the constraints of a heavy arm
and a heaping mound of covers
and ecstatically leap to the floor
paws prancing,tail wagging
ready to take on the world
she awakes reluctantly
with an overwhelming hesitation
because she ponders the possibility
of drifting back to sleep and ignoring my urge
until eventually the anxiety of what could be
draws her from the clouds of comfort
because she would rather touch her warm
bare feet to the cold hard floor
than deal with the consequences of
 a full bladder and a long nights sleep
so i look at her with longing eyes
and i cock my head slightly to the left
as i try to figure out
why she is making me wait so long
i jump from side to side to try to share
my anticipation and desired relief
filled with excitement
and an empty belly
she sleepily rubs her eyes and stumbles
through the kitchen
in her underwear
unable to see without her glasses
unaware of anyone else in the world,
she picks me up
rubs my belly affectionately
and delivers me to my spot
where she squeakily and sleepily calls out
"go potty angel pie! peepy deepy!"
and i secretly laugh because we both know
how silly she sounds
i race her back to the door
but i clearly dominate
because im overflowing with energy at 6am
and she is still in a dreamy haze
as i inhale my breakfast feast
i ponder how am greatful i am that she doesnt put it in a bowl
because i prefer to eat right off the floor
when i've consumed my meal
we return to our chamber to resume our slumber
and i simply cannot decide...
if i want to snuggle her or my frog
but when i finally find comfort
and am  about to drift back to sleep
i am rudely interrupted
when she turns on the tv
because for some reason she cant sleep
as if its my fault
she woke up at 6am
on my luxurious vacation

Google Docs Rock My World :)

First things first: What a fun way to warm up!!! Protector and Enemy was an awesome way to get comfortable and get moving first thing in the morning...Great game!

We are soooo lucky to be getting so many awesome ideas from the Demo's!
This morning, I was really really fascinated by Stephanie's Storify...what an awesome way to create a timeline! It's going to work wonderfully for my Tech Display tomorrow!  ....I am going to take snapshots of my life like pictures and movie clips etc. to create a moving editorial...
I loved the connection from Stephanie to Melissa! I am going to use this idea to incorporate a fresh update to my NonFiction unit! I really love the collaboration between colleagues in this way--everyone lights up when they have a realization of how they can implement a strategy in their classroom: Sally was particularly fun to watch during Stephanie's :)

I really enjoy "Tech Time" during lunch. For the past 2 days I have been using the time to revise and RE-VISION my writing.  Eating and talking and reflecting with colleagues is super helpful. I feel extremely productive during this time...

Having a recap of a fish bowl was helpful for revising in writing groups, but I especially liked getting verbal feedback on my writing as well as conversing via Google Docs.  It was so helpful! I love my writing group because they are so attentive and encouraging....and fun to snuggle with on the couch :)

I am excited to work on my Storify, edit my Authority piece, and post to E-anthology tonight!!!

Re-visioning revision :)

Day 2 at SI :)  I have had the opportunity to write more in these two days than I think I ever have... and I am loving it.
I LOVED the Demo...Rebecca was just so calm and inviting! I LOVE LOVE LOVE incorporating children's books in my classroom! I can't wait to use Scranimals!!!!
The most productive/beneficial moment for me was the 25 minutes of revision... I love to write, but honestly have never really been a reviser... When I get it down on page (or screen), I just kind of forget about it and move on...until now :)
I had written a post on EAnthology about my dog, Tom Sawyer just for fun one morning. During the revision time I went back to this poem, and I tried some strategies.  During Lil's class last semester I tried some of Cindy's strategies for revising, so I decided to practice for my Demo by working with the "brush strokes" that Nodden discusses.  Using these strategies was really helpful because it helped me get more of a vision for my Demo, and of course improved my writing! I thought I was a revision hater, but have come to the magnificent realization that I LOVE revising!  I really like what is in the works!! Check out "A Day in the Life of Tom Sawyer" on my EAnthology page :)
Because of today's SI, I have decided to go back to all of my writing from the past few years (which I have never revisited) and look to see what the possibilities are....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

new developments :)

LOVED today! 
Starting out with some insecurities in regards to the Digital Documentary Project. All cleared up now... Thinking of doing something about my experience with Nifty the Dolphin :) I loved that book, and thought I had done amazing! ...But then not only did the classroom mom glue my pages in in the wrong order, but she also requested that I change MY ending to make the story less about a stab in the heart! I am interested in working with this idea of writing confidence and how my experiences as a young (or 20-something) writer have an impact on my students!  I am really looking forward to diving into Movie Maker (or something similar) because I don't have previous experience with it, but have heard that it is really student friendly (and hopefully, therefore, teacher friendly :))

The lunch group REALLY got me thinking about the possibilities for my demo....
Just some brainstorms:
--do the 5 stations
--create a booklet (flip book?)
--pose the "why" and "how?" questions (why is this method useful? how can this method change our understanding of writing? what will my students gain from this? how can this help me as a writer?

As for my personal piece, I am really excited to give poetry a shot.  So far, I was thinking of working on my role as the authority figure in my classroom, and how it helps me connect more with my students. I am really excited to see what develops tonight :)

Lots to do!!!!!!!  Overall, AWESOME!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Myer's Mind: Image Grammar!

Myer's Mind: Image Grammar!: "The days of worksheets and monotonous grammar rules are over, my friends! Harry Noden hits the nail on the head in his book, Image Grammar...."

Image Grammar!

The days of worksheets and monotonous grammar rules are over, my friends!  Harry Noden hits the nail on the head in his book, Image Grammar.  The philosophy is quite simple: the writer is an artist, and with 5 simple brustrokes, anyone can create a masterpiece.

The first step is to familarize yourself with the idea of writing(painting) with these brustrokes:
1) Painting with participles 2) Painting with absolutes 3) Painting with appositives 4) Painting with adjectives shifted out of order 5)Painting with action verbs.

Once the brushstrokes are understood, Noden explains the art of combining brushstrokes in order to create this work of art.

Using this simple strategy provides students with a fun, interesting, and activity filled "grammar lesson" that they can easily master. 

The text is packed with accessible activities for each of the different strategies, complete with lessons, ideas, student examples, printables, and more. The CD-Rom is an invaluable tool that provides quick and easy handouts for students.

Sianara boring grammar memorization and repetition....this is the begining of an entirely new philosophy for teaching grammar.  Go forth and paint a masterpiece :)